It may sound odd, but the communities in Fortnite are riddled with differing perspectives. The majority of the people who are reading this article likely played the game in its ‘prime’, back when “Tilted Towers” was the new craze and boogie bombs were in everyone’s inventory. But the newer generation of Fortnite players hardly know what those are. Since the the release of Fortinite’s most recent season,“Fortnite OG”, the people who dominated the game’s lobbies in the past are realizing that they may be outmatched. 

Since the original map and loot pool came back, the active player base has spiked by about 1.9 million players concurrently according to IGN Entertainment Inc. and Fortnite.GG. The majority of new players aren’t exactly ‘new’ to the game, just users who haven’t played since the game’s original peak in late 2017 to mid 2018. This leads to a bit of a dilemma:  The newer player base has been a part of the game for years and are overall better players than a lot of the original player base returning to the game. 

The general opinion amongst players who began playing Fortnite after the Chapter 2 event or later appears to be that the game has only gotten better. By looking at it with a strictly content central viewpoint, it undoubtedly has. The game has been given numerous new additions, including the ability to swim, many new vehicles, different loot every other week, and an exceptional number of crossovers. Despite all the new content within the game,  the overall player base has decreased. It appears that streamers, youtubers and the original players of the game have been leaving. The reason? Perspective. Older players see these changes as the game moving away from its roots, leaving players craving for what made them play the game in the first place. People who played the game starting in season one and through its ‘prime’, look back at the game as a large part of their childhood and, at the same time, the new Fortnite is this generation’s childhood that they know and love. They’ll look back at this time of their lives and see it the same way we do ours, and it may even bring a little tear to their eye.

By Dylan Stevens

Editor’s Note for Perspectives Magazine

The Axe staff has worked hard this year to put together the spring magazine, and we are all so excited for you to be reading it. Following the theme Perspectives, we have explored many different angles of many different subjects.

A magazine allows for so much more depth with a story, and it was amazing to dive into this different style of writing. From longer articles to interesting visuals to a really big crossword, there is something for everyone in here.

A magazine also takes a lot of time, and requires hard work on many fronts. With articles, visuals, editing, layouts – a lot of time has been put into making Perspectives.

Hopefully, this magazine allows you to explore perspectives you may not have come across before.

Happy reading!

Aria Lynn-Skov

Full magazine PDF here: