Every year, Friends of South inducts notable South alumni into the Axe Hall of Fame. This year, they honor eight accomplished alumni who The Axe had the opportunity to interview and spotlight.

Carla and Kevin Chambers graduated from South in 1974 and are being inducted to The Axe Hall of Fame for their accomplishments in entrepreneurship, business and technology. Through decades of work on their very own Resonance Vineyard, the Oregon Vineyard Supply, and various Oregon wine boards and advisories, they have become impactful leaders of the Oregon wine industry. 

After graduating from South, Carla and Kevin both attended the University of Oregon and got married in 1976. In their interview with The Axe, they spoke about how their time at South set them up for success in their lives as entrepreneurs.

At South, Carla was in the National Honor Society and was involved with the theater department. She spoke about how her time at South gave her the “ability to move between social groups” and she “learned to appreciate depth and breadth of people.” 

Kevin was captain and first board of the South chess team, placing at state his sophomore, junior, and senior years. He also played bassoon in the South bands and the Eugene Junior Symphony.

They also both had a lot to say about the impact that Eugene as a whole had on them.

“I feel fortunate to have grown up in Eugene because it really taught me a love of the outdoors,” said Kevin. He would go fishing with his friends along the Willamette and McKenzie rivers, and loved being close to both the beach and the snow.

For Carla, her proximity to the University of Oregon was key. When answering the question of how Eugene impacted her growing up, she answered by saying “the influence of the university.” Her dad was the administrator of the student union and worked with many groups of students across campus. Carla recalled how she would hear stories at home that were a “real eye opener to people who hadn’t had privilege I have.”

When asked how they felt about being inducted to the Hall of Fame, Kevin answered, “it’s a real honor.”

“The Hall of Fame induction caused us to go back and think a lot,” Carla added. She called some of her high school friends to get photos, and said that “it caused a trip down memory lane which I so appreciate, especially since we’re heading into our fiftieth reunion this summer.”

Through our conversation, it was clear what an impact South had on both Kevin and Carla, and how they carried much of what they learned with them 

The “rigorous nature of coursework taught us to be good researchers,” Carla said. The many skills were of great use in their careers and beyond.  

“Senior year, the school allowed me to write my own curriculum,” explained Kevin. He created a reading list, wrote questions, and picked advisors. Through the year, he studied quantum theory and economics, which “really has impacted my life,” he explained. 

“You can choose to learn, or choose not to,” Carla said. “South Eugene taught us to be lifelong learners.”

Read more about Carla (Reynolds) & Kevin Chambers on the Friends of South website.

Article by Aria Lynn-Skov