Every year, on Feb. 14, the “day of love” occurs. This year, Valentine’s Day falls on a Wednesday, and the classic traditions of flower gifting, card making, and gift exchanging – all in the name of Saint Valentine – will take place. But who is this mysterious Saint, and why is Valentine’s Day so important to people?

To figure out who this mysterious saint is, we have to travel in time – all the way back to the third century in Rome, where the Catholic church recognized at least three saints with the name of Valentine or Valentinus. 

One legend tells the tale of a young priest who served in Rome. The story begins when Emperor Claudius II decided that young men should be soldiers, rather than family men and husbands. So, it was declared that marriage would be banned. Outraged by this decision, Valentine defied the Emperor’s orders and began performing illegal marriages for young lovers in secret. At Claudius’s discovery of Valentine’s secret practices, he ordered him to be put on death row, where he would be beheaded. Some stories insist that the priest was actually St. Valentine of Terni, a bishop, who was also executed by Claudius II.

Saint Valentine

It has also been suggested that Valentine was killed for attempting to save Christians from brutal Roman prisons, where, oftentimes, they would be tortured. There is a legend that illustrates the story of Valentine and his first love. Imprisoned at the time, Valentine sent the first ever “valentine” – a greeting to the girl he was in love with – a girl, some believe, who was the jailer’s daughter. Before his death, it is said that he wrote a love letter to her signed, “From your Valentine,” an expression still used to this day. 

Although there is much speculation and many different stories, all legends make Valentine out to be brave, heroic and – most importantly – romantic.

Who is Cupid?

An essential figure of Valentine’s Day history is Cupid – the angel-winged, chubby baby who shoots arrows of love into unsuspecting passersby. We often see Cupid on Valentine’s Day cards, and he stands as a key symbol of the holiday. However, who actually knows the story behind this mysterious, yet well-known, baby?

Well, the Roman God Cupid is rooted in Greek mythology, with Eros, the Greek god of love. Speculation of his parents and birth vary; some say he is the son of Erebus, god of night, and Nyx, goddess of night; some say Aphrodite, goddess of love, and Ares, god of war; others suggest Aphrodite and Zeus, god of the sky, as the parents.

Typical Valentine’s Day Traditions

In addition to the United States, Valentine’s Day is celebrated in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Mexico, Brazil, Japan, South Korea, India, China, and South Africa. 

While each country celebrates Valentine’s Day a little differently, most traditions are relatively similar. By the middle of the 18th century, it became a common tradition to exchange tokens of affection and handwritten letters. In the 1840s, artist and entrepreneur Ester A. Howland started selling the first mass-produced Valentines in America. She also came up with the idea of using silk and embossing lithograph ornaments. These Valentines included ribbons, artistic illustrations, hidden doors, and interior envelopes that could hold more secret messages, small gifts, or even engagement rings. By 1900, printed cards began to rise in popularity due to printing technology improvements. 

Today, according to Hallmark, it is estimated that 145 million Valentine’s Day cards are exchanged each year just in the U.S. alone. And Americans spend a lot of money on Valentine’s Day: In 2023, U.S. consumers spent a whopping $25.9 billion celebrating the holiday.

Ways to Celebrate

Valentine’s Day can be celebrated however you want. Some people like to exchange cards, buy flowers, and go out to dinner. However, Valentine’s Day can be celebrated in any way special to you, and it can be celebrated without a romantic partner just as well. You can show love to your friends, family, and any person close to you in your life. The important thing is that you let someone know you care about them. Sometimes, the best way to show someone you care about them is just by being close to them. So this Valentine’s Day, find your loved ones, share a laugh, and exchange some love.

Article by Alex Doig