Documenting our time together here at South.

In 10 years, how will you remember high school? One way to easily remember high school is to flip through the yearbook. The yearbook is created for people to look back at the end of the school year, or in 10 years time, to remember everything that happened, just like a time capsule. The yearbook is a publication that puts all of the happenings of the school into one place.

However, a yearbook cannot just be snapped into existence. It has to be created in a long drawn out process. The process of creating the yearbook is one that starts in the previous school year. 

In May 2023, the yearbook class went to a yearbook planning conference to brainstorm the theme and design the cover with a cover artist. However, starting from scratch isn’t easy. It’s like staring at a blank page, but once ideas start flowing, it becomes really fun. Over the summer, the editors created layout designs for the yearbook staffers to fill in when school returned in September. Once school is back in session, the yearbook staffers get to work conducting interviews, writing mini stories, and taking pictures to place onto the pages. Hours of hard work and dedication are put in throughout the year to create the book. All of the yearbook staffers deserve to see their hard work in the hands of their peers at the end of the year, and if you have a friend helping to create the yearbook, it’s super cool to have something really amazing that your friend created.

Another big part of creating the yearbook is the community that is created between the staffers. Deadline work nights are one of my favorite things about being a part of yearbook. I feel like I get to know everyone that I work with so much better and it creates a tight knit community. Yearbook is where I have found my place in the school community. Over the past two years, I have gotten to know some pretty cool people that I would have never talked to. There are so many different types of people who go to the school, and yearbook throws them all together in one big hotch-potch. It’s super cool to see all of the different personalities come together and create something really special for the community to enjoy.

But why bother to spend $75 to buy a yearbook? It might not seem like a big deal now, but 10 or 20 years from now, you’re going to want to look back and see the record of the year. Plus, you never know if the next president of the United States or the next big pop star will sign your yearbook. And trust me, you’ll want  to be able to prove it to everyone that you went to school with them.

You can learn more about yearbooks at this link!

Article by Elliott Hunt