Many South students will be eligible to vote in their first election this spring. If you turn 18 by May 21, 2024, then you are eligible to vote in this upcoming primary. Go to to register to vote or to check your registration status.

On Tuesday, Sept. 12, longtime community member and local housing advocate Kaarin Knudson launched her campaign to become Eugene’s next mayor. At the launch event, Knudson received the endorsements of both current Eugene mayor Lucy Vinis and former mayor Kitty Piercy. The news of Knudson’s campaign came with an announcement that Vinis, currently in her second term, will not seek reelection in 2024.

Many elected officials and community leaders attended Knudson’s campaign launch at the Campbell Community Center, including Lane County Commissioners Laurie Trieger and Heather Buch, 4J School Board chair Maya Rabasa, and Julie Daniel, the former executive director of BRING Recycling.

Knudson attended the University of Oregon, earning undergraduate degrees in journalism and design and a master’s degree in architecture. She is the founding director of Better Housing Together and teaches architecture at the University of Oregon.

Part of leading a city, according to Knudson, is “about structure and story.” Her education and community service, Knudson explained, have prepared her for the communication and vision required of a mayor. Knudson also has two children in 4j schools. Knudson emphasized safety in public spaces, articulating a vision of a Eugene where a “teen can run on the Amazon trail without stress.”

The primary election takes place on Tuesday May 21, 2024. If no candidate wins an outright majority in the May primary, then the top two candidates move on to face each other in the November general election. The May election will also decide several Eugene City Councilors and Eugene Water and Electric Board (EWEB) Commissioners.

Learn about your political power! Local politics matter – the mayor and city council make decisions that impact us daily.

Article by Aria Lynn-Skov